Claim: One of Karachi’s busiest thoroughfares, Shahrah-e-Faisal, will be closed to traffic from 1pm to 4am on Monday, 31 October 2022, for International Defence Exhibition and Seminar (IDEAS) 2022.
Fact: Karachi Traffic Police Deputy Inspector General’s office confirmed to Soch Fact Check that Shahrah-e-Faisal will remain open today; the alert currently doing the rounds on social media is incorrect because the rehearsal for which Shahrah-e-Faisal was set to be closed already took place late last night.
On 31 October 2022, the Facebook page ‘Dialogue Pakistan’ posted the following update:
“Shahrah-e-Faisal, the main route connecting different areas, will be closed for traffic today (Monday) between 01:00pm to 04:00am from Drigh Road to Karsaz and Sir Shah Suleman Road to Hassan Square due to security arrangements for IDEAS 2022 Defense exhibition.”
‘Karachi Traffic Updates’ also posted the same message on its Facebook and Twitter accounts, with the Urdu text as follows:
“شاہراہ فیصل *31 اکتوبر کو دوپہر 01:00 AM سے 04:00 AM* تک ہر قسم کی ٹریفک کے لیے ڈرگ روڈ سے کارساز اور سر شاہ سلیمان روڈ حسن اسکوائر تک سیکیورٹی انتظامات کی وجہ سے دونوں اطراف بند رہے گا۔
Shahrah-e-Faisal will be closed for all types of traffic on *31st Oct between 01:00 AM to 04:00 AM* from Drigh Road to Karsaz & Sir Shah Suleman Road Hassan Square both sides due to security arrangements.”
The alert, which Soch Fact Check also received via WhatsApp, caused concern among the many people who travel along Shahrah-e-Faisal to and from work.
Fact or Fiction?
Soch Fact Check called the office of the Karachi Traffic Police Deputy Inspector General (DIG) to ask if the alert issued was for 31 October 2022.
Sohail, the officer at the Karachi Traffic Police DIG’s office, said, “It [shutting down Shahrah-e-Faisal] has happened already. We closed it down last from 1 AM to 4 AM. The rehearsal has been completed. Now it’s open.”
When asked about today’s news, Sohail reiterated his comment and confirmed that the Shahrah-e-Faisal “will not be closed tonight [1 November 2022, night between Monday and Tuesday]”.
The alert currently doing the rounds on social media is incorrect because the rehearsal for which Shahrah-e-Faisal was set to be closed has already happened.
Soch Fact Check found that Twitter accounts Aaj News English and Karachi Traffic Updates, as well as Facebook posts available here, here, here, here, here, here, here, and here shared the misleading update.
Conclusion: Shahrah-e-Faisal will remain open today, Karachi Traffic Police Deputy Inspector General’s office confirmed to Soch Fact Check, adding that a rehearsal for which the thoroughfare was set to be closed has already occurred.