Claim: The Pakistan Students Federation has demanded Imran Khan’s release by 30 August and warned of protests if their demand is not met.
Fact: The Pakistan Students Federation does not exist. The warning actually came from the Insaf Students Federation.
On 8 August, the Instagram account @theverified.pk posted a photo with the caption: “Pakistan Students Federation Give Warning of Protest to Pakistan Gov to release Imran Khan Before 30 August.
According to different sources and from Anchor Imran Riaz Confirmed from his recent vlog , it has been confirmed that protest start from KPK and after that from punjab.”
The picture was subsequently shared across various social media platforms, including a post on Facebook with the caption: “Pakistan Students Federation Give Warning of Protest to Pakistan.”
Fact or Fiction?
To investigate the claim, Soch Fact Check searched the ‘Pakistan Students Federation’ on Google but we did not find any relevant official websites or accounts.
We then searched through Imran Riaz Khan’s YouTube channel, as his name was mentioned in the claim. We found a video he posted on 8 August on his YouTube channel where he referred to videos shared by the Insaf Students Federation. He stated, “A movement is emerging. The Insaf Students Federation, which is the student wing of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf, has taken the lead.”
“Youth have begun gathering. Today, I saw some clips shared by them [ISF], where they also delivered speeches. They are inviting the student wings of other political parties to join them in starting a student movement in Pakistan, and they are repeatedly issuing warnings.”
Subsequently, we searched for the Insaf Students Federation and found their Instagram account. On 8 August, the Insaf Students Federation shared a video from a press conference held at the Islamabad Press Club on their Instagram, captioned:
“آج ہم سوشل میڈیا کے نوجوانوں کو ڈیجیٹل دہشتگرد کہہ کر پکارا جا رہا ہے، خدا کی قسم جب پاکستان پر ففتھ جنریشن ہائیبریڈ وار نازل کی گئی تو ہم Keyboard وائیریرز تھے فرنٹ لائن سولجر تھے، یہ جو آج ٹاوٹ بنے ہوئے ہیں جب دوبارہ ایسی صورتحال پیدا ہوگی تو یہ بھاگ جائیں گے،
کنوینر آئی ایس ایف اسلام آباد امجد علی شاہ”
[Translated from Urdu: Today we, the youth of social media, are being called digital terrorists, I swear to God, when the fifth generation hybrid war was launched on Pakistan, we were keyboard warriors and front line soldiers, who have become touts today, when will such a situation arise again? So they will run away,
Convenor ISF Islamabad Amjad Ali Shah]
In the video, the speaker says, “We had already organised this movement. We have held various conventions. The students are already charged and motivated. Our message just needs to reach them, and they will join us. And InshaAllah, very soon, you will see a massive rally in Islamabad.”
This was followed by another video, which was captioned:
“آئی ایس ایف کی لیڈرشپ نے اپنے مطالبات سامنے رکھ دیے
مطالبات بلکل واضح ہیں اور یہ مطالبات اس فاشسٹ حکومت کو قبول کرنے ہی پڑیں گے”
[Translated from Urdu: ISF leadership has put their demands forward.
The demands are very clear and these demands will have to be accepted by this fascist government]
The ISF also outlines its demands: “Our demands are that the rule of law and justice be established in this country. Imran Khan Sahab and all political workers should be released. Third, the student unions should be restored, and fees should be reduced by 30%. Forced abductions and disappearances should be immediately stopped, and those who have been abducted should be released. Electricity prices should be reduced immediately, and substantial relief should be provided. These are our demands. Furthermore, I will bring together all student organizations with their students and unite them once again on this platform, InshaAllah. And we will present our agenda to you. Our struggle will be practical.”
This proves that the calls for Imran Khan’s release and the protest movements were initiated by the Insaf Students Federation, not the Pakistan Students Federation.
The claim was shared on Facebook here, here, here, and here.
It was shared here and here on Instagram.
On X, it was shared here (archive).
It was also shared here (archive) on Threads.
Conclusion: The Pakistan Students Federation does not exist. Calls for Imran Khan’s release and the associated protest movements came from the Insaf Students Federation.
Background image in cover photo: ANI News
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