Claim: Hamid Mir revealed that Imran Khan recently slapped a colonel in Adiala jail.
Fact: The claim is false as no such statement was made by the journalist or reported in the media. Hamid Mir refuted the claim as well.
On 26 January 2025, a Facebook user posted an image of an army officer with the caption:
صحافی حامد میر کا انکشاف.. کل رات اڈیالہ جیل میں ایک میجر نے عمران خان کے ساتھ بدتمیزی کی تو عمران خان نے جواب میں کرنل صاحب کو تھپڑ مار دیا۔یہ ہے وہ صاحب جس رات اڈیالہ جیل میں عمران خان سے تھپڑ پڑا ہے ڈیجیٹل دہشتگردو اور سوشل میڈیا سے مقابلہ کرنا حکومت اور اسٹیبلشمنٹ کیلئے بہت مشکل ہے نظام بہت پریشان ہے عمران خان کو سنبھالیں یا سوشل میڈیا پر پی ٹی آئی کے ایکٹیوسٹ کو روکیں ایک میجر بہت پاگل ہو گیا ہے سوشل میڈیا نے اسکی بینڈ بجادی ہے۔یہ قبضہ گروپ ( ڈفرز) اپنی غلطیاں تسلیم کرنے کو تیار ھی نہیں ۔۔۔قائد اعظم فاطمہ جناح لیاقت علی خان ذوالفقار بھٹو بینظیر بھٹو سب کو مار دیا پاکستان کے دو ٹکڑے کر دیئے جمہوریت کا بیڑہ غرق کیا مارشل لاء لگاۓ۔۔۔۔ لیکن یہ جرنیل مافیا ( کرپٹ ) نے پاکستان کو یرغمال بنایا ھوا ھے تباہ کر دیا پاکستان کو اور اب بھی یزیدیت کا دور ھے۔۔۔ یہ بیغیرت جرنیل مافیا اپنے آپ کو ٹھیک ثابت کرنے پہ تلا ہوا ہے*پاکستان بنانے والے کی بہن فاطمہ جناح کی توہین اس طرح ہوئی کہ ایک غلیظ جانور پر ان کا نام لکھ کر گوجرانوالہ کی گلیوں میں گھمایا گیا-**کوئی نہیں بولا کوئی FIR نہیں کٹی*
*لیکن پاکستان کھانے والوں کی بیٹی پر صرف تنقید ہوئی FIR کٹ گئی بندے اٹھائے گئے بلکہ پورا قانون بنا ڈالا گیا ۔
Translation: [Journalist Hamid Mir revealed that last night in Adiala Jail, a major misbehaved with Imran Khan, and then Imran Khan slapped the colonel in response. This [man in the image] is the man who was slapped by Imran Khan in Adiala Jail that night. Dealing with digital terrorists and social media is very difficult for the government and establishment. The state is worried [whether] they should take care of Imran Khan or stop PTI activists on social media. A major has gone crazy. Social media has played his band.
This occupation group (duffers) is not ready to admit their mistakes. Quaid-e-Azam, Fatima Jinnah, Liaquat Ali Khan and Zulfiqar Bhutto Benazir Bhutto, each of them was killed, and [they] divided Pakistan into two parts, drowned the raft of democracy [and] imposed martial law. But this general mafia (corrupt) has taken Pakistan hostage, and destroyed Pakistan and still, it is the era of Yazidism. This ruthless general mafia is hell-bent on proving itself right.
Fatima Jinnah, the sister of the creator of Pakistan, was insulted in such a way that her name was written on a dirty animal and it was circulated in the streets of Gujranwala. No one spoke, no FIR was registered. But only the daughter of those who ate Pakistan was criticized, the FIR was cut, the people were raised, but the whole law was made.]
Fact or Fiction?
Soch Fact Check investigated the claim as it attributes the events of Adiala jail to a renowned journalist who is considered a credible source of information by the public
We first conducted an advanced search on X and Google with key phrases from the Urdu language caption but did not find any credible information; no media organisation has reported any such incident and a scroll through Hamid Mir’s official X account did not yield any results either.
Soch Fact Check then reached out to Hamid Mir on WhatsApp who confirmed that he never made the remarks attributed to him in the claim. He also said that he has not made any statement about Adiala jail previously and the claim is false.
Moreover, after taking a closer look at the insignia on the officer’s uniform, we realised that the image in the claim is of a major general and not of a colonel as mentioned in the viral post. Looking into this further online, we only found one major general named Faheem Amer. However, we could not verify if the image in the claim shows Major General Faheem Amer as no pictures of him are available online.
The false post gained attraction on Facebook and received 667 shares, 333 likes and 40 comments. It was also shared here, here, here and here.
On X, the post was shared here but without the image of the army officer in question.
Conclusion: Hamid Mir did not reveal that Imran Khan recently slapped a colonel in Adiala jail. The journalist refuted the claim to Soch Fact Check.
Background image in cover photo: ABC News
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