

True False

Claim: An eight-year-old girl discovered that cancer can be treated using antibiotics. Fact: The claim is misleading and concerns a piece of old news from 2015. In 2015, Dr Michael P. Lisanti made news headlines when he and his wife Dr Federica Sotgia, both professors at the Manchester University, UK spoke with their daughter Camilla […]

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True False

Claim: A website shared a story with the headline, “Do not use this medicine, it is causing kidney failure. Doctors have suggested it as dangerous.” Included in the story were remarks from a conference held in Pakistan during which the side effects of allopathic medicine were discussed.  Allopathic medicine is another term for science-based, modern […]

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True False

Claim: Bill Gates has called for the withdrawal of COVID-19 vaccines after admitting that the pandemic was “a farce”. Fact: Bill Gates did not call for a withdrawal of COVID-19 vaccines nor did he make the other statements attributed to him in the viral WhatsApp chain message. The message is false as it is based […]

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True False

Claim: An Urdu news website published an article with the headline, “Chances and impact of pregnancy among 20, 30, and 40 years old women. Know more in the light of expert’s research.” The article states that after 30 years of age, women experience low chances of conceiving and a high risk of complications during pregnancy.  […]

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