Umer Zaib Khan

The writer is an intern at Soch Videos.

True False

Claim: The Council of Islamic Ideology decided that permission from the first wife is not required by law for a man to marry again. Fact: The Muslim Family Laws Ordinance, 1961 requires a man to submit written permission from his first wife to an arbitration council for permission to marry a second time. On 17 […]

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True False

Claim: The PTI government is considering a policy to reduce the retirement age of government employees from 60 to 55 years and end retirees monthly pension. Fact: On 17 July 2020 PTI Minister Ali Muhammad Khan shared a notice from the finance department clarifying that no such proposal had been entertained by government. 13 July […]

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True False

Claim: Eating locusts boosts the immune system’s response against Covid-19. Fact: The immune system cannot be modified significantly by the consumption of any specific food, locusts or otherwise. Adhering to a healthy diet on the whole is the only way to provide ongoing support to the immune system. On June 24 2020, Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf MNA […]

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True False

Claim: Half of the UK’s imported Covid-19 cases are from Pakistan. Fact: The majority of imported Covid-19 cases in the UK are from European countries. Soch Fact Check received a screenshot of an article published on The Telegraph for verification on Whatsapp. The article’s headline stated that half of the United Kingdom’s imported Covid 19 […]

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True False

Claim: A mob interrupted Antim Sanskar or cremation of a Hindu trader from Dadu who passed away from Covid-19 claiming it could lead to the spread of the virus. Fact: Although dead bodies of Covid-19 patients aren’t infectious in general according to WHO, even if the virus was present it would have been destroyed during […]

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True False

Claim: A bus caught on fire near Quetta after an accident on the N-25 National Highway claiming 47 lives. Fact: No such incident took place. Pictures and videos shared on social media were taken out of context On 8 June 2020, Soch Fact Check received a Facebook post for verification regarding a fatal bus accident […]

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True False

Claim: The “GOP Health Department” issued a notice announcing an immediate ban on poultry due to the presence of Covid-19. Fact: Various official sources clarified that no such notification has been issued. Covid-19 cannot spread to poultry. The following image of an alleged government notification dated 4 June 2020 was received by Soch Fact Check […]

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True False

On June 1, Prime Minister Imran Khan addressed the nation after a meeting with the National Coordination Committee (NCC) regarding Covid-19. This address was delivered at a time when Pakistan is seeing the biggest spike in Covid related deaths since the beginning of the outbreak. In his speech, Imran Khan said that the novel coronavirus […]

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True False

Claim: A viral message forwarded on Whatsapp shared pictures allegedly from a Pakistani mall and warned potential mall-goers that the mould in the pictures could cause serious respiratory infections. Fact: The pictures are from a Malaysian store called Metrojaya in Kuala Lampur, not a Pakistani mall. The pictures were originally posted to Facebook by the […]

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True False

Claim: Liquor shops have been directed to reopen by the excise and taxation department Islamabad under lockdown. Fact: Deputy Commissioner Islamabad M Hamza Shafqaat clarified on Twitter the notification is fake. Liquor shops have been shut since lockdown began in Islamabad. On 20 May 2020, the following image of an alleged government notification dated 19 […]

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True False

Claim: The Ozone layer is recovering after a larger than usual hole formed above the Arctic in April 2020 due to a reduction in aerosol pollutants caused by Covid-19 lockdowns. Fact: The polar vortex is a system of strong and cold circular winds in the Arctic which caused the formation of the hole, and when […]

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True False

Claim: Walk-through disinfection gates kill the virus that causes Covid-19 and helps restrict its transmission.  Fact:  Spraying water, chlorine (bleach) and alcohol over the body does not prevent the spread of Covid-19. In the earliest stages of the pandemic, various methods of discouraging the spread of the virus had been put in place by local […]

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