Areesha Rehan

Areesha Rehan is a fact-checker at Soch Fact Check. She has a BSc in Social Development and Policy from Habib University and a minor in history. She previously worked as an editor for Tezhib, an undergraduate research journal at Habib University. Her areas of interest include post-colonialism, feminism and Marxism. She is passionate about animal welfare and walkable cities.

True False

Claim: Former Interior Minister Chaudhry Nisar Ali Khan wrote a tweet asking former Prime Minister Imran Khan to call for public protests if it appears that local elections are being rigged to stop people voting for the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI). Fact: The account responsible for the tweet appears to be impersonating Nisar. No such tweet […]

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True False

Claim: According to video clips circulating online, former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif has passed away from a heart attack. Fact: Nawaz Sharif has not passed away. Fact or Fiction? On 12 July 2022, a video clip of Nawaz Sharif and Mayam Nawaz was shared with the following caption: “بہت ہی افسوسناک خبر میاں محمد نواز […]

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True False

Claim: A viral photo shows Turkey’s Army Chief General taking orders from Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. Social media users in Pakistan are sharing the image with captions highlighting civilian supremacy over the military in Turkey and implicitly drawing a comparison with the political climate in Pakistan. Fact: The photo, in fact, shows Turkish Land […]

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