Claim: Former Australian cricket player Ricky Ponting said, “[Indian] Money can’t buy success and Pakistan has proved that.”

Fact: Ricky Ponting did not say Money can’t buy success.

After the Indian cricket team failed to qualify for the semi-finals of the T20 Cricket Worldcup 2021, a quote emerged on social media attributed to cricket commentator Ricky Ponting, in which the former Australian skipper is quoted as saying,”Even with so much control and hold over world cricket, India is out of the World Cup. Money can’t buy success and Pakistan have proved that.”

The quote first appeared here on Twitter, in a post that has garnered 11,500 likes and 2,000retweets as of this point.IThe post was then picked up by this page on Facebook. Eventually, the quote appeared in multiple posts across multiple social media platforms including here, here, here and here on Facebook, here on Instagram and here, here, here, here and here on Twitter.

This post had the highest engagement on Facebook with 43,000 likes, 1,600 comments and 454 shares.

Soch Fact Check searched through Ricky Ponting’s official social media accounts across all multiple platforms but could not find evidence of him saying or writing the quote now being attributed to him. Soch Fact Check also browsed through video archiving websites and searched for relevant results on YouTube but did not find anything to suggest that Ponting is in fact responsible for the statement attributed to him.

Conclusion: Considering absence of evidence, Soch Fact Check concluded that the posts attributing the quote in question to Ricky ponting are, indeed, false.

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